The Electives
Expand your mad skills with these additional modality offerings.
Optional, and Highly Recommended
In addition to the excellent and comprehensive 650-hour massage therapy certification program, the Berkana Institute of Massage Therapy offers a tremendous opportunity to learn various skills that will greatly enhance the student's massage therapy practice, service abilities, and earning potential.
Additionally, due to the many different entry-level requirements across the United States and the advised entry-level requirements recommended by the Federation of State Massage Boards, The Academic Dean strongly recommends that each student acquire at least 20 additional hours in electives. Elective participation is not mandatory but a recommendation.
The State of Colorado currently requires licensure candidates to have at least a 650 hour education as well as have passed a Board Exam.
Massage Therapy Licensure is regulated at the state level, and the states that regulate Massage have their own specific requirements.
The majority of states currently require a 500 to 650-hour education.
Following are up to 29 hours of Electives available for students to take during their Certification Program at the Berkana Institute. All courses are available at an additional cost of $20 to $25 per credit hour, and students receive a 10% discount when they register for and pay their tuition for electives on the day of Orientation. Minimum enrollment requirements must be met.
Cranial and Somatic Fascial Release (CSFR) Elective – 24 hours: Cranial and Somatic Fascia Release include a therapeutic protocol to normalize the craniosacral pulse. The course includes extremely gentle cranial bone mobilization and appropriate fascia releases. Recognizes the Upledger Hypothesis of the pulse.
Clinic Management – 5 hours: Students have the opportunity to work one on one with the Clinic Manager during a clinic shift to learn Office Management and Customer Service Skills, Including but not limited to: Greeting clients, scheduling, answering phones, keeping a file system, book keeping and linen maintenance.
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