Scholarships, Special Discounts and Funding Available.





The Holistic Massage Therapy School for Mindful,

Artistic and Evidence-Informed Massage Therapists


The practice of presence, and vigilance over the chaos of the mind


Specializing in cutting edge, career development and entrepreneurship

The Exception to the Rule

If you seek holistic massage therapy education, consider the Berkana Institute for a lasting investment.

Berkana, one of the few Holistic Massage Institutes globally, explores therapeutic massage's multidimensional effects from a biopsychosocial perspective. We prioritize trauma-informed, evidence-based practices and emphasize mindful discipline to honor the human condition's delicate nature and the healing arts' transformative potential.

While most massage schools train Licensed Massage Therapists (LMTs) for spa jobs through intermediaries, Berkana highlights discernment in working relationships, self-empowerment, entrepreneurship, and longevity for graduates, many of whom will have private practices.

Berkana offers essential training for this courageous career path and the keys to success in our proven approach.

The Berkana Institute sets the standard for excellence with an elite, holistic program and a unique apprenticeship-style approach over 6 to 9 months, fostering growth and success.

Though Berkana's tuition is higher, our graduates achieve superior performance, quickly realizing a return on their investment with above-standard earnings.

For world-class holistic massage therapy training, Berkana Institute is the premier choice. 

Learn The Berkana Difference

“At Berkana, we understand that the benefits of massage therapy are amazing. We don't need to make up stories of magical healing to make it bigger than it already is, and we don't have to shrink the power of it to make it reasonable and comfortable for small minds.
While we should continue the search for why and how, we don't have to prove and fully comprehend the majesty of professional touch to ethically and mindfully provide it right now. 
The simple truth of this work is that it is more powerful than any story someone can tell you. We know that we can’t fully understand the natural power of healing which belongs to all of us, and we are forever curious and eager to learn how to help others with this work as facilitators and encouragers of healing.”
Founder of Berkana Institute of Massage Therapy

Massage Therapy Training Longmont, Colorado




Is the Massage Therapy Profession a good fit for you?

Take the Massage Therapy Career Assessment to find out!

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success rate

on national licensure exam *national average is 69%

“Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.” ~Picasso

“As a graduate you hear time and again how clients seek out students from this school. Berkana is hands down a school that provides a top notch education and the skills necessary to effectively open and run your owm practice. I opened my business immediately after graduating and felt confident with the support the school gave me as an alumni. If you are considering a massage school then look no further. Berkana is by far the best bang for your buck."
Joel Schoof
“I would recommend this school to anyone who is serious about entering into the massage profession. After having gone through an intense program at this school, I came out after six months with a business plan that I confidently executed three months later. The school provides you with a really solid education and a community to always help you find work, stay up to date on the sciences within our profession, and to network with- you never feel like you are alone when you are a Berkana graduate”
Haley iris
“The Berkana Institute dramatically transformed my life for the better. As a graduate, I have compared my education to that which colleagues received in other parts of the world, and Berkana is the most well rounded, scientifically sound, and mindful education around. Berkana also prepared me for medical school, which I am thriving in and I believe it's largely due to the top quality and in-depth education I received at the Institute, and the support from the amazing faculty along the way. Jill Berkana, the Founder, is a brilliant and compassionate mentor who takes the potential in students and pushes them further than they ever thought they could go. I couldn't recommend more highly.”
Jia Brunning
“Studying at the Berkana Institute will challenge and reward you in the very best ways possible. Through the whole-hearted companionship of my classmates and the profoundly compassionate support from the instructors, I grew in more ways than I could have imagined, both as massage therapist and as a human. This isn’t just massage therapy school—it’s soul school!”
Keili Joan
“The Berkana Institute pushed me and inspired me in such ways that I could become a person I always wanted to be, but always struggled to find the best avenues in which to do so. This school is that avenue. The teachers are incredible and supportive and versatile. The program is beautiful and challenging in perfect harmony.”
“If you want to experience something real, encounter an amazing journey of self-discovery and learn an incredible art of creativity, professional massage and something so beautiful, Ms. Berkana is the one to guide you through, educate you and provide you with her outstanding knowledge. Her compassionate nature delivers such an amazing feeling of safeness, awareness and calm.”
Rachel Motto

Why settle for less than excellence? Apply now